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11月1日「CSRtech创新大赛」北京决赛! CSRtech Contest Finals

阅读量:3683801 2019-10-22

11月1日| 来北京活动现场了解新的可能!人工智能、大数据、机器人、AR/VR、5G、物联网等新技术 - 能为垃圾分类、污水处理、空气净化带来怎样的创新?- 能为工厂安全、工人权益带来怎样的可能?- 能为未来企业员工的工作方式带来怎样的变革?Come to this event on Nov. 1 in Beijing to find out more!How technology like AI, big data, robortics, AR/VR, 5G and IoT can
- change the way we deal with waste, contaminated water and polluted air?
- change the way we secure the safety of factory and workers? - change the way we work in the future?
9am to 5pm on Nov. 1, 2019 (Friday)
5th floor, Building 12, Innoway, No. 48 Haidian West Street, Haidian District, Beijing

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介绍| 在联合国可持续发展目标的激励和启发下,由法国电信Orange、中兴通讯和中关村创业大街主办、Impact Hub上海协办的第二届企业社会责任科技创新大赛决赛即将来临。入围的15家团队经过1个多月的导师辅导和线上下培训,即将于2019年11月1日在北京进行最终的对决。
Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, Orange, ZTE, Innoway and Impact Hub Shanghai are co-organizing "2nd Innovation Contest for CSRtech". 15 teams have been selected as finalists and have started their month-long mentoring activities. Winning teams will be announced in a final competition on Nov. 1, 2019 in Beijing.

大赛| 寻找应对企业可持续发展挑战的创新方案,探索新的价值创造模式。后续CSRtech创新大赛将帮助这些创新方案直接对接到企业,解决实际问题,不仅推进了初创企业的商业落地,更共同推动产业的可持续发展。
The contest aims to identify innovative tech solutions for sustainablility challenges in our fast-changing world and explore new value-creating business models. It also intends to connect these innovative solutions with enterprises in order to both support their actual implementation and to further the sustainable development of these businesses at the same time.

评委介绍 Juries

Orange 坚信创新方面的开放协作将提升创造力,提高效率,并加强对经济领域的影响。Orange 集团设立的创新企业加速器项目“Orange Fab”目前已对近500家创新企业予以支持。Orange中国开放创新中心也以服务集团开放创新战略为目标,促进Orange集团与中国开放创新生态的互动与合作。
Orange is one of the largest operators of mobile and internet services in Europe and Africa and a global leader in corporate telecommunication services. Orange unites over 170,000 women and men across the world to make digital life easier for more than 260 million customers.
Orange believes that when it comes to innovation, collaboration between all stakeholders reinforces creativity, efficiency and economic impact. Orange group built its own startup accelerator program - Orange Fab which has supported so far nearly 500 start-ups in the world. Orange Open Innovation Center China also serves the open innovation strategy of the group, bridging Orange group and Chinese startup ecosystem to better interact and cooperate.
ZTE is a provider of advanced telecommunications systems, mobile devices, and enterprise technology solutions to consumers, carriers, companies and public sector customers. As part of ZTE's strategy, the company is committed to providing customers with integrated end-to-end innovations to deliver excellence and value as the telecommunications and information technology sectors converge. Listed in the stock exchanges of Hong Kong and Shenzhen (H share stock code: 0763.HK / A share stock code: 000063.SZ), ZTE's products and services are sold to over 500 operators in more than 160 countries. ZTE commits 10 per cent of its annual revenue to research and development and has leadership roles in international standard-setting organizations. ZTE is committed to corporate social responsibility and is a member of the UN Global Compact. For more information, please visit https://www.zte.com.cn/global/
Innoway is the first innovative and entrepreneurial street in China jointly established by the Beijing Municipal Government and Haidian District Government. It is invested and constructed by Haidian Real Estate Group and operated by Beijing Z-Innoway Technology Service Co., Ltd. Innoway is committed to building a global industrial innovation ecosystem and acceleration platform. We actively carry out innovative business services such as innovative community operations, industrial innovation, global incubation, public service platforms, and technological investments.
Impact Hub 于2005年在伦敦成立,是全球关注社会创新和可持续发展最大的平台之一。您能在覆盖全球50多个国家,找到100多个为超过16,000名创变者提供社群连接、创新空间和创业支持的 Hub。
Impact Hub Shanghai 从2017年开始与世界各角落的伙伴们践行联合国可持续发展目标。 作为中国内地首家Hub,我们通过社群连接、活动、孵化支持、融资服务、影响力投资赋能创业者开启创新商业。 
Impact Hub is a global network of entrepreneurs & innovators collaborating to solve our world's greatest challenges and working to bring positive impact. Founded in London in 2005, Impact Hub has grown to a network of 16,000+ members, spread across 100+ cities and 50+ countries.
In 2017, Impact Hub Shanghai broke ground in China. Like our worldwide counterparts, we run incubation programs and events, connect members in our co-working space, invest in enterprising and sustainable businesses - all towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
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