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精选 | 今年的搞笑诺贝尔奖了解一下,有趣的灵魂万里挑一

阅读量:3726886 2019-10-24

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2019 Ig Nobel Prize winners

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The 2019 Ig Nobel Prize ceremony was held on September 12th at Harvard’s Sanders Theatre. It honors achievements that make people LAUGH, and then THINK. Let’s take a look at some of this year’s winners!
 Winner in Economics
We use money almost daily to buy the things we need, but have you ever wondered how dirty your money can be?
Andreas Vos, his son Timothy Vos, and Habip Gedik set out to find which currency (货币) carried the most bacteria. Currencies that were tested included the US Dollar, Canadian Dollar, Euro, Indian Rupee. From their research, while most currencies carried signs of bacteria, the currency that contained the most bacteria was the Romanian Leu.
Still, you might want to think twice next time you reach for that bill on the ground!
 Winner in Chemistry
On average, a human being produces 2 to 4 pints (1 to 2 liters) of spit (唾液) a day. How much spit will a five-year-old make?
35 years ago, Shigeru Watanabe and his team in Japan researched 15 boys and 15 girls and recorded the amount of time each child spent a day eating, sleeping, and being active. They found if no spit was produced during sleep, the amount of a five-year-old kid’s spit per day was around 1 pint or 500 ml. How amazing!
 Winner in Medicine
Last but not least, can pizza help solve cancer (癌症)? That was a question being researched by Silvano Gallus and his co-workers in Italy, where pizza is one of the most popular foods.
Cancer patients were questioned about their eating habits, mainly with regard to pizza. No real conclusion was drawn from the research, but the researchers say that pizza has health benefits, if it was made in Italy.
There are other interesting discoveries that won prizes. You can check it out if you are interested.
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