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【民航报刊】| 第六十二期 民航法规(11)

阅读量:3733027 2019-10-24

Day 62
Aviation Law and Regulation
STEP 5    Additional Protocols Nos. 1-3 and Montreal Protocol No. 4 1975

In the light of developments of free market for gold, the "gold clause" in the Warsaw system lost its relevance. The International Monetary Fund by that time also abolished the gold parity of currencies and created the concept of Special Drawing Right" (SDR) as a new yardstick of values. The SDR is not a real currency but a measure of values defined every day from floating basket of the leading trading currencies-often called "paper gold".
The Conference adopted "Additional Protocols of Montreal". No. 1, 2 and 3 that have the sole purpose of replacing the"gold clause" in the original 1929 Warsaw Convention, in that Convention as amended at The Hague 1955 and in that Convention as amended at The Hague and by the Guatemala City Protocol of 1971 by translating the limits of liability from the gold clause into the SDR.

The Protocol left the limit of liability for loss of or damage of cargo at the same level as the original 1929 Warsaw Convention the equivalent of the 250 francs being 17 SDR per kilogram and that limit cannot be exceeded under any circumstances. There was no pressure to increase this amount since the carriage of cargo normally involves business entities carrying adequate insurance.
Of great importance is the adoption of the regime of strict liability of the air carrier for the loss of or damage to cargo regardless of fault; the only exoneration of the carrier could be if he proves that the loss of or damage to cargo resulted solely from inherent defect, quality or vice of that cargo, defective packing of that cargo performed by a person other that the carrier or his servants or agents, an act of war or armed conflict or an act of the public authority carried out in connexion with the entry, exit or transit of that cargo. It is the first time that an international unification of law introduced strict liability with respect to carriage of cargo and this progressive measure could reduce expensive litigation.

 STEP 6  Japanese Initiative 日本倡议
The Japanese initiative is the name usually given to the decision of all Japanese air carriers, with the approval of the Government of Japan, to waive(放弃), as of 20 November 1992, the limit of liability in the international carriage by air in a two-tier system: 
up to 100,000 SDR strict liability for proven damage would be accepted without defence and beyond that sum, without any monetary limitation, liability would be based on presumed fault with reversed burden of proof.

The"Japanese initiative"was a major historic innovation, indicating the industry's willingness and ability to accept liability without any monetary limits. Moral reasons have motivated the Japanese government-how to justify limitation of liability for passengers in international carriage by air when there is no such limitation under domestic law for domestic carriage by air, accidents in the automobile operations, etc. moreover, the level of operational safety and the possibility of effective risk management by insurance made the limitation of liability unjustifiable.
MEA advances Airbus deliveries schedule
Lebanese flag-carrier Middle East Airlines appears to have advanced deliveries of new Airbus A321neo and A330neo jets intended to modernise its fleet. 
MEA has 15 A321neos on order and states in its latest full-year accounts that it will take nine of them in 2020, with another pair in 2021.

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编辑 | 郭海青
慕课视频 | 郭海青
文字 |  Aviation News & Aviation Law and Regulation
图片 | 网络


