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阅读量:3819896 2019-10-26

本文由北京周掌柜咨询CEO周掌柜与英国剑桥大学嘉治商学院院长Christoph Loch联合创作,历时一年,以手机行业为大背景共同提炼了“边缘战略”模型。全文曾发表于腾讯深网,这里是学术精简版。同时,感谢周掌柜咨询全球化合伙人宋欣对于本文的重要贡献。即使从全球视角看,中国的智能手机行业也是一个英雄辈出、活力无限的领域。在这个行业里,大家见过恐龙的灭绝,见过武士赢得了闪亮的盔甲之后又再次丢失。今天还被奉为真理的事情,明天就可能变成了失败的导火线。在这样一场智慧和创造力相互角逐的极限战争中,有人在保卫中心地位,有人在创造新的边缘机会,但所有玩家的目标只有一个,就是成为新一代霸主。



Edging strategy: the logic behind Chinese booming mobile industry
Yu Zhou, Christoph Loch
The Chinese mobile phone industry is a great dynamic environ-ment where we have seen exciting tales unfold. It has seen di-nosaurs slain, knights winning shining armor, and knights losing their armor again. What is right today may be ineffective tomor-row, in a battle of wits and creativity in defending the strategic center, and inventing new edges that grow.
We all know that in order to be effective you need to have focus --- if you try to do too many things, you won’t do them well, or fail. This is also true for companies, who need strategic focus. Com-panies have “core,” or “center” strategies, center markets, and center technologies, which they master and serve well. They have peripheral areas, their “edge,” which are relevant and pos-sibly represent future opportunities, but which are given only few resources --- that is what focus under resource constraints means. But there is also a danger in too much focus because it prevents you from adapting to the world that changes around you. In biological evolution, animals who are too specialized go extinct when the environment changes. Companies who are too focused, and are not capable of shifting their focus, from core to edge, get left behind. But this is a hard dilemma --- shifting focus is hard, and sometimes large companies are too slow. On the other hand, if you shift too easily, you waste too many resources and may also fail. There is no easy recipe for success. This makes for the fascinating tales of strategy, with rising heroes and fallen heroes.
The modern consumer mobile industry (i.e., the general purpose devices we know today rather than just phones) started with the Apple i-phone in 2007, which revolutionized phones from talking devices to the general small computers that they are today. This was not at heart a technology revolution --- as they had done be-fore, Apple took existing technologies from others and recom-bined them in a new package that changed people’s attitude to the device. (Indeed, even the new package had been developed in the Computer Science Department of the University of Cam-bridge in 1999, called “Snacks,” which Apple took over). For Ap-ple itself, this was a strategic innovation, a move from the edge to the center, as they had not been in telecommunications be-fore. (They had tried with a “personal digital assistant”, or PDA, called “Newton,” in the 1990s but failed.)
The shift to the new “general communications and entertain-ment” device caused havoc in the industry. The dominant mar-ket leader, Nokia, had the best mobile phones (winning design awards in the process), but was unable to make the shift to the edge and declined, and exited the industry by 2015. Now our story begins, in China. The Chinese market grew huge and fea-tured many players that were ready, and capable, to take ad-vantage of the opportunities inherent in the flexible devices that allowed talking, videoconferencing, gaming, photographing, stor-ing, etc.
After 2011, as 4G was replacing 3G, the Chinese mobile phone market saw a reconfiguration. Nokia, TCL, Bird, HTC, Samsungs and Apple, who used to stand at the core of the mobile market, were beaten by the brands and people on the edge.
History: hubris at the center that led to the fall of world gi-antsOur story starts with Huawei. A internal strategic meeting in Sanya in 2011 was a turning point for Huawei mobile and even for Huawei Group. Before, Huawei’s B2B business was strug-gling on the edge of bankruptcy. Some Chinese operators even said publicly, “Our share price will fall if we choose to use Huawei equipment.” As a private company, Huawei certainly did not enjoy any privileges compared with, for example, ZTE inside China. Huawei had gone through a very difficult period, such as an impasse in 2002 and the global challenge in 2008 due to the financial crisis, and started to understand the importance of sus-tainable growth. The only possibility for them to survive was to have stable cash flow. And among all their business units, the mobile business, which was still “on the edge of Huawei group’s strategy”, was the most likely one that might help them out.
One veteran employee from Huawei complained, “Our own staff from the B2B unit look down on us (the B2C unit) and prefer to use Apple than our own products. They think that only the tele-communication equipment is our technological commending point.” But this kind of remarks actually motivated Huawei’s B2C unit, especially its head Richard Yu, who was promoted to this position in 2012, a "marginalised guy” entering into a “business on the edge”. The only advantage he had was to focus on this wide battlefield where he was free to maneuver.
Now we come to two other key players, OPPO and vivo. Chen Mingyong was already back in 2001 one of the few visionaries who wanted to leave BBK while it was at the peak of its success in consumer electronics. He left BBK and founded OPPO in Dongguan, Canton Province. He was seen as an audacious leader who dared to leave the center in order to search for op-portunities on the edge. OPPO had little confidence until 2015, when it sold 130 million devices of its R7 flagship model and beat all of its competitors, including Huawei. Chen Yongming and Richard Yu were perhaps not brilliant professional manag-ers, but they had control of their business units. They were both on an edging position to start their new career chapter. Turning to vivo - Shen Wei, veteran employee of BBK, later also left the company to found vivo. He had worked many years with Duan Yongping, founder of BBK, he embodied typical Cantonese characteristics, being pragmatic and low-profile. But in the end he managed to get vivo off BBK’s routine and made it one of the most successful brands in China.
During 2013 and 2014, the story continues with an intricate competitive dance of old and new players fighting for the oppor-tunities in the huge growing market. If we look back at the market in 2019, we find all these audacious adventurers among the most successful brands. To a certain extent, Huawei and Honor led this market transformation. And according to GFK&BCI’s sta-tistics of the second semester of 2019, Huawei and Honor to-gether take up a market share of more than 40%. Their success of these players can be summarized as follows: Huawei devel-oped the edge opportunity of combining a high-end device with independent chip R&D; Honor focused more on young people; OPPO and vivo built their solid distribution channels outside the urban areas; MI saw a new business model in IoT. In compari-son, Apple and Samsung, who stayed safely in the center, nev-er tried any of these. These stories illustrate the need for an edging strategy in dynamic markets.
But after these examples, maybe we need to explain what edg-ing strategy exactly means. Let’s emphasize right away that this is hard. It is difficult to achieve a balance between focus (effi-ciency of the center) and adaptation (edge flexibility). First, the edge has many candidates for where future competition might go. If we could through analysis find an answer which edge op-portunity will win in the future, everyone would be doing it! Therefore, investing in edge opportunities is risky. For every successful example we described, we can easily find 100 ex-amples of aggressive and audacious (cocky?) wannabes whose ideas failed. We already mentioned Apple’s first failure in the 1990s. Just some examples --- Siemens, Ericsson, Microsoft (by buying Nokia’s remnant mobile business) all tried to enter mobile phones and failed, and they all had plenty of resources. Not to mention the myriad startups and small companies that tried in China, such as HTC, Coolpad, LETV and MEIZU. You can’t throw money at everything that might become an opportunity in the future, you have to choose. If you are too adaptive, the ad-aptation will become too expensive, and then edging can be-come fatal.
That’s why this is not so easy for a large company: which poten-tial opportunity is the right one that can evolve our business, versus the 100 failures, and shall we invest at all? This repre-sents the other direction of error, being too conservative rather than too adventurous. There are many reasons for this: first, in-centives. If I do not develop an edge opportunity, no one will see the missed opportunity (until, of course, one of the few success-ful ones indeed takes our business away, but let’s face it, “this happens rarely!”, in other words, large companies feel protected enough to underestimate the risk of having their business taken from them), but if I do develop one edge business, and it’s one of the 100, it will fail, and everyone sees our failure. This is part of the art of strategic management in a multi-divisional firm: how many bets and failures can I carry in order to be agile enough? When do the failures become so many that it will cost the CEO’s job?
This connects to arrogance and hubris --- we are big and power-ful, we are better and smarter than the dwarfs, and who can hurt us? Look at Apple, who have fallen behind in China because of their lack of innovation. Yes! Although people all over the world still talk about Apple as an innovative company. Telecom and semiconductor giant Samsung faded away from the sight of Chinese consumers. What is left is only their screens which stay still very popular in China.
Of course, this can catch up with anyone, and the shining win-ners of today may become the arrogant dinosaurs of tomorrow. The former successful companies in China were standing at the center and looked hubristically down at the new challengers. They all believed that the innovation of these challengers would always be on the edge and stay far away from the consumers’ needs.
Mr. Tian in his book also took Motorola as an example. Due to the failure of the SpaceX investment, Motorola lost nearly $5 bil-lion and started to fall. Motorola was very slow vis-a-vis con-sumers’ demands and locked themselves up inside their own ivory tower. All this resulted from its central hubris.
Finally, judgment is hard to change. Being successful in the core shapes, and constrains, your aesthetic judgment of what looks “right and appropriate.” We have already mentioned that Nokia won design awards for their beautiful and functional user inter-faces up to 2007. When the Apple smartphone came along in 2006, Nokia even had fully comparable technologies. But the managers looked at these prototypes and decided, “We are about connecting people (that was their marketing slogan), about communication, not about silly detracting games and oth-er knick-knacks.” They misjudged the potential of the new gen-eralist device because they loved the frugality of their communi-cation designs too much.
Therefore, what we learn from the failure of the former giants, but also from the failure of many edging attempts, can be very alarming for the companies at the center today who need to be humble, focused on strategy and gain more insights.
From the perspective of strategy, Huawei, Honor, MI, OPPO and vivo have all invested to break their routinised center strategy and have tried to figure out which edge has potential to be the future center. This is explained by our edging strategy model (in the following figure):

We can see three logics of competition on the edge: 1. find pos-sible new battleground for future competition, with the explicit in-tention to break the current center; 2. find out which edge has the potential to become the new center in the future; 3. extend the edge towards “no-man’s-land” to explore more opportunities. The edging strategy perspective has been used widely by all the players involved in this smartphone business competition. Each of them has rediscovered itself by leaving the center and going to the edge.
We repeat that this is a difficult balance to strike. You can’t just give up the current center because it earns the resources today to be invested for the future. But how long is too long in holding on to it? Give it up too fast, and you lose your cash flow. Hang on too long, and you miss the window. Exploring edge opportu-nities can’t just be done with smart analysis, you have to devel-op and test them in real markets. Throw too much money at too many edge opportunities, and you may also lose. You can lose by erring in either direction. Large companies have the tendency of being too cautious (for the reasons explained earlier), relying on the ability to buy winners. Small companies experiment more, and realistically also fail more. Our stories of the winners need to acknowledge the many losers.
If a company can avoid hubris, a challenge from the edge can actually carry opportunity. Ironically, the existential challenge imposed for political reasons by the US President on Huawei may also carry opportunity. Yes, locking Huawei out of US tech-nology (such as chips and the Android operating system) is an existential threat. But now there is no room for hubris, but only for mobilizing all resources to develop new allies and develop a rival ecosystem of operating system and app developers. In a situation like this, many have concluded that we may need an alternative to US tech dominance. If Huawei can pull this off, it may come out stronger than before, and hubristic over-reliance on a current market dominance may come back to haunt US providers.
Practice: “searching for edge” is “searching for future ”During the period 2012 to 2014, the five companies Huawei, Honor, MI, OPPO, and vivo, emerged from the edge of the mo-bile sector and gained market share because each of them adopted some strategy of differentiation. During the period 2015 to 2017, the five companies consolidated the foundation of their edging strategy’s center; and from 2018 on, as the difference between them was fading away and the market started to be-come saturated, each of them has started to search for the next edge. Chinese mobile brands tend to have more forward-looking strategic plans than their international competitors. And their long-lasting growth is the result of their willingness to search for edge.
Compared to the other two global giants Apple and Samsung, who had a privileged position, the Chinese brands’ edge strate-gy relied, first, on intimate knowledge of Chinese market charac-teristics: they abandoned their city-oriented center strategy and built an echelon web of distribution channels covering at first ru-ral areas (small villages and towns), then small and medium sized cities, and then large and super-large cities. It is more diffi-cult for foreign competitors to build up such complicated distribu-tion channels. Second, the five replaced TV and other traditional branding platforms with social media and TV shows, where they could place advertisements in an indirect way. Third, they re-placed celebrity-focused endorsements with technological lead-ership, which also demonstrated the advantages of Chinese supply chains. Last but not least, they widened the competition from the national level in China to a worldwide level. Chinese brands differentiated themselves from their international compet-itors during each step. And searching for the edge offered them the differentiation. “Capacity development, center breakthrough, edge identification” has already become a strategic consensus among Chinese mobile companies.
Huawei’s mobile strategy can be summarised as follows: After years of preparation, the Mate and P series became popular and therefore the center. The new Nova series was a way to identify a new edge. Huawei was good at “positional warfare” (meaning developing long-term trust relationship with retailers), and “circle and tier vertical marketing” (meaning penetrating so-ciety circle by circle and tier by tier), where promotion was ad-justed to each circle’s and each tier’s characteristics. In contrast to OPPO and vivo, who focused more on promotion via adver-tisement and concentrated on young people’s needs and tastes, Huawei concentrated more on its high-end models’ reputation among businessmen, civil servants and politicians. Huawei and Honor learned from OPPO and vivo to adapt their marketing strategies to meet the needs of each consumer category sepa-rately. While the “elder brother” Huawei focused on the middle-upper class, the “younger brother” Honor targeted other catego-ries of consumers, such as fans of extreme sports, which be-came popular among youngsters worldwide.
In the meantime, Chen Mingyong, CEO of OPPO, invested RMB 10B in R&D and put rather young people in highly important po-sitions; Shen Wei, CEO of vivo, hired globally known consulting firms to develop his organisation into a global one; MI tried to catch up by improving its management and control. Therefore, their achievements were based on one anothers' successful experience. They never directly copied one another but rather adapted to reinforce their own strategy.
We summarize our study of Huawei and Honor in the following “edge evolution” model, which reflects the logic behind their strategy:

This model reflects that China has a different society structure than Western countries: China is characterized by a dualistic structure. Following the twin processes of industrialization and urbanization, China has two totally different faces. The urban part of China has a very dense population with fragmented rela-tionships between people (it is more “westernized”), while the ru-ral parts of China have a sparse population with closer relation-ship among people (we can, actually find such duality in other markets as well, even in the UK, where the tension between the urban South and the rural North contributed to the Brexit vote). We can also identify such differences in a globalized market. Therefore, to analyze such a multi-cultural structure, we need to understand not only the “objective” sociology but also each cus-tomer’s subjective perspective.
Reflecting the differences in sophistication in the Chinese dual-istic structure, we find some that people with a disadvantaged background exhibit more “herd behaviours” and prefer to buy electronics of “good quality”, meaning reliable, low-risk, credible and durable. In contrast, people from the upper-middle class in the industrialized and urbanized cities prefer to have phones that reflect their social status and demonstrate superiority over other devices. The mobile companies need to feed this desire with avant-garde, high-tech, sophisticated (etc.) characteristics. Dif-ferences in values (self-identification) and life style drive product features.
This difference between rural and urban populations is not spe-cific to China: we find in national cultural studies that poorer countries tend to be more hierarchical and conformist, while richer societies tend to be more egalitarian and more individual-istic rather than group oriented. Why is this so? Because poor people are dependent on help from one another to get by, and need to foster good reciprocal relationships of mutual solidarity, and if one shows off, the others resent you and may not support you the next time. Urban consumers’ showing off behaviour is related to their higher affluence, which makes them less de-pendent, less willing to suffer for support from others, and more self-indulgent.
Besides, as studies were repeated twice over 30 years, we could see how societies that became richer moved toward more egalitarianism and more individualism as people were no longer dependent on their clan to survive. Showing off then expresses power, which emerges rather than being given by the clan! This explains the difference between the rural and the urban com-munities in China: within the same country, urban populations have become rich and moved toward individualism and status behavior, escaping the rigid hierarchies and solidarity webs of the poor. The lesson is that you need to understand the cultural symbols of your target customer population. Even within a coun-try, they can differ a lot. It demonstrates how important it is to understand the emotional benefits of one’s products to achieve a breakthrough with an edging strategy.
Theory: a mixture of eastern philosophy and western sci-ence of managementPractice brings certainly more experience, while theory enriches our understanding (and generalizability) of the experience.
In 2019, as the trade war between China and US continues, Huawei has suddenly become the most known tech brand. At the same time, OPPO, vivo and MI gain more and more popu-larity from their strategy of brand upgrading. The Chinese mobile industry seems to succeed in distancing itself from the “medio-cre” Made in China reputation, and is becoming a successful example of combining Eastern philosophy with the Western sci-ence of technology.
Based on our analysis of the Chinese mobile industry’s edging strategy over the last 10 years, we dare to speculate about the next 5 years: First, OPPO, vivo and MI are likely to achieve breakthroughs in foreign markets. The “factory girl’s phone” will gain popularity and market share in the US and Europe. This edge seems to be increasingly clear for them while searching for their future potential.
Second, Huawei may, by the political context, be forced to de-velop a new open ecosystem be it based on Android or their own Ark OS, with open authorization (although they have stated that they will not abandon their partners unless they are forced to). Honor, as part of the Huawei group, might finally get a win-dow of opportunity to be detached from Huawei and search for its own edge, such as developing itself as a rich brand covering IoT, electronics and mobiles. Huawei has a tradition of achieving breakthroughs on its edge: from operators/network service to wireless network service, from B2B to B2C, from mobile busi-ness to IoT and Cloud. Therefore, Huawei may well continue to find more opportunities on the edge and broaden its hardware as well as software range (especially with AI and machine learn-ing). This corresponds to Ren Zhengfei’s entropy theory -- going to the edge as a way to rebuild the center.
This will likely happen in the context of two big changes within the mobile industry: one is the change of consumers’ focus, such as from visual photo shooting to multimedia or AI shooting; the other is a consumption shrinkage after the market becomes saturated. Service is likely to replace the device as the driver of future growth. This will require Huawei to widen its capabilities, as it has always focused on the hardware product at the cost of branding, consumer relations management and Cloud service. These are still on the edge of Huawei’s strategy. But that is also where Huawei can find their next center. Cloud Service and Ai will be leading the edge innovation.
All these theories are consistent with the traditional Chinese dia-lectic philosophy of Yin-Yang (see the figure below). Yin-Yang suggests first that the center exists not as an absolute, only as the opposite to the edge. Second, either of the two centers may give you an impetus to move forward. Third, Yin-Yang means itself the two sides of one thing but it also points out the ambigui-ty of the boundary in-between. Yin-Yang can be also seen as the forever-lasting change between the center and the edge.

Thus, the success of Chinese companies at this stage can be interpreted in the spirit of Eastern Yin-Yang dialectics, but we can also interpret it with the Western science of management: The Edge Model acknowledges that the goals of the organiza-tion may be multidimensional, and therefore the “strategic core” is ambiguous --- is it the profit machine, or the piece that makes customers the most loyal, or the piece that supports most strongly the reputation of the organization? The Edge model emphasizes the ambiguity of the “center” of your activities, meaning the area where most of your people and resources are focused, and where the market positioning currently lies: it is possibly at the heart of one dimension of the goals that drive your organization, but maybe it is off the center, and less power-ful, on other goal dimensions. What the center is changes de-pending on the viewpoints of stakeholders. And this reflects the ambiguity and multifaceted nature of today’s world.
Secondly, the Edge model acknowledges change. What is the center of our strategic position today may become a liability to-morrow --- this is, in today’s dynamic global business environ-ment, not a question of “whether”, but a question of “when”. Therefore, the center of our current activities may lie in an area that is not yet, or not any more, in the center of our value propo-sition positioning, or in the center of what stakeholders expect. Thus, the Edge Model embodies the changing nature of strate-gy. It encourages us to think about where we came from and where we are going.
In conclusion, we assert that the Chinese mobile industry’s dec-ade-long rise results from the Chinese companies’ strategies. While competing with global giants, the Chinese companies knew how to learn from the others and how to find more oppor-tunities on the edge. The strategies of the five top brands Huawei, Honor, MI, OPPO and vivo, embody the Eastern phi-losophy of pragmatism but also the Western science of man-agement, which guided them to advance strategic and organisa-tional reform. Today, the Chinese mobiles brands have become the shiniest name card for “Made in China”. While searching for new edge, these companies motivate themselves to continue to go beyond the boundary.
The edging strategy is not only a way to prevent the center from becoming stale, but it also acts as a force to drive them forward. Edging strategy allows them to remain humble and learn from one another. It encourages them to strive for breakthroughs in focusing on potential edge. And this might contribute strongly to their success.
作者介绍:下图为2018年中旬摄于英国剑桥大学校区酒店,在当天的交流中Christoph Loch院长对于结合中国传统文化思想的战略研究合作非常感兴趣,大家共同做了深入探讨,并在1年后有了这篇深度文章。

Christoph Loch:英国剑桥大学嘉治商学院院长,德国人,曾就职于麦肯锡等咨询公司。


