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【民航报刊】|第六十六期 航空公司运营(11)

阅读量:3839646 2019-10-27

Lesson 11 ‘open skies’
Though the regulatory environment appeared patchy and mixed, the trend to further liberalisation and eventually to deregulation could not be reserved or even stemmed. The need for further liberalisation became increasingly apparent as a result of several developments.

First, there was a growing body of expert opinion that the airline industry should be normalised; that is, it should be allowed to operate as any other major international industry. This view gained ground during the 1980s both among aviation specialists and government officials in several key countries.首先,越来越多的专家认为航空业应该正常化;也就是说,它应该被允许像其他任何主要的国际产业一样运作。这种观点在20世纪80年代在几个主要国家的航空专家和政府官员中获得了支持。

A second and perhaps stronger argument against bilateralism was that even when countries signed the more liberal open market bilaterals, the market opportunities opened up tended to be those considered acceptable by the least liberal of the two countries.

Aviation News
Beijing daxing international airport airport airport officially opened to the outside world北京大兴国际机场航空口岸正式对外开放
Beijing daxing international airport has officially opened to the public after passing the national inspection on October 25, according to the Beijing municipal bureau of commerce.记者从北京市商务局获悉,北京大兴国际机场航空口岸25日通过国家验收正式对外开放。
From midnight on October 27, some flights of 9 airlines will be transferred from Beijing capital international airport to Beijing daxing international airport, which will also welcome the first international, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan flights. Daxing international airport is expected to open 116 routes during the upcoming 2019 winter and spring season.记者了解到,10月27日零时起,9家航空公司部分航班将由北京首都国际机场转场至北京大兴国际机场运营,大兴机场也将迎来首个国际及港澳台航班。在即将到来的2019年冬春航季,大兴国际机场预计开通116条航线。
文字来源:Flying Off Course& 网络


