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经济学人 No.35: 英国货车移民死亡案件,你需要知道的信息

阅读量:3863083 2019-10-28


Immigration 移民
Journey’s end 旅途结束
Close one route, and people-smugglers will ?nd another 
It is unclear how many migrants are in Britain illegally. It could be around 650,000—give or take a couple of hundred thousand. Nor is it known how many enter the country without permission every year. Maybe 40,000; maybe substantially more or less. Undetected entries are by de?nition impossible to measure.
give or take [习语] 或多或少
without permission 未经允许
more or less [习语] 或多或少,大概
undetected adj. 未被探测到的
by definition [习语] 根据/按照定义
What is known is that people will take enormous risks to enter Britain. This was made tragically clear again on October 23rd, when Essex police announced the discovery of 39 bodies inside a refrigerated lorry that was registered in Bulgaria. The driver, a 25-year-old man from Northern Ireland, has been arrested.
What is known is that 众所周知
tragically adv. 悲惨地
announce v. 宣布,通知
refrigerated adj. 冰冻的
lorry n. 卡车
arrest v. 逮捕
It is also clear that tightening security on one route tends to divert people to other ones. Lorries coming into the port of Dover from Calais may be searched by canine units, x-ray machines, carbon-dioxide sni?ers and heartbeat monitors. In 2016 the National Crime Agency warned that people-smugglers were diverting operations to less busy ports, such as Pur?eet, where this lorry seems to have arrived from Zeebrugge in Belgium. Its journey ended at a nearby industrial estate.
tighten v. 加强
divert v. 转移
canine units 警犬队
sniffer  n.检测器
heartbeat monitors 心跳检测器
people-smugglers 人口走私犯
Belgium 比利时
industrial estate 工业区
As The Economist went to press, it was reported that the migrants discovered in Essex were Chinese. If so, it would be the second such tragedy. In 2000, 58 Chinese migrants died in a lorry that was found in Dover. In 2014, 35 Afghan Sikhs were found in a shipping container in Tilbury, not far from Pur?eet. Most survived.
go to press 出版
it is reported that 据报道
a shipping container 运输集装箱
Though reliable numbers are scarce, researchers reckon that most irregular migrants enter Britain on legitimate tourist visas, then stick around. Many others use forged documents. Those arriving on boats across the English Channel, or hiding in the backs of lorries, are often the sort of people who would ?nd it hard to obtain a visa. “The British government has a deliberate policy of making it di?cult to reach the UK to claim asylum. So people from countries that have a higher rate of asylum will ?nd it harder to get tourist visas,” says Madeleine Sumption of Oxford University.
scarce adj. 稀少的
reckon v. 估计
irregular migrants 非法移民
legitimate adj. 合法的 →  illegitimate adj. 非法的
tourist visa 旅游签证
forged documents 伪造的文件
asylum n 避难所
Tragedies on this scale have occurred in other countries. In 2008 the air-conditioning in a seafood container lorry failed in Thailand, killing 54 out of 121 migrants from Myanmar. A few years later 43 of 113 migrants bound for South Africa su?ocated in a lorry. In 2015 Austrian police discovered an abandoned lorry with 71 refugees who had su?ocated in the refrigerated container. All were from Iraq, Iran, Syria and Afghanistan. Nine people died of overheating in a sweltering truck in Texas in 2017. All of these calamities involved refrigerated containers. It is harder to detect people in such vehicles than in soft-sided ones, says David Wood, a former boss of immigration enforcement at the Home O?ce.
suffocate v. 闷死 <> The smoke almost suffocated me. 我几乎被烟闷死了。
refugee n. 难民
overheat v 过热
sweltering adj. 闷热的
calamity n 灾难
immigration enforcement 移民执法部
soft-sied adj. 软面的
Politicians promise to crack down on the gangs that smuggle people; advocacy groups argue for changes to migration rules. There has been no serious talk of changing the design of the lorries themselves. In the mid-20th century American lawmakers started requiring fridge-makers to use magnetic strips instead of latches after reports of children climbing into disused fridges and su?ocating inside. Making it easier to get out of lorries is politically simpler than making it easier to get into countries. It would also save lives. 
crack down 打击
smuggle v 走私
advocacy adj. 提倡的
migration rules 移民制度
latch n 门闩
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