城市经济学阅读文献郝前进复旦大学城市经济研究所 2007年9月1日(一) Urban and Spatial Economics: Simple Retrospect1. 克鲁格曼,“新经济地理学”在哪里?,牛津经济地理学手册,商务印书馆2005,第三章2. Masahisa Fujita and Paul Krugman(2004), "The new economic geography: Past, present and the future", Papers in Regional Science , 83:139-164.3. Neary, J.P.(2001), "Of hype and hyperbolas: introducing the new economic geography", Journal of Economic Literature, 49:536-561.4. Baumont, Catherine and J.-M. Huriot(2000), "Urban Economics in Retrospect: Continuity or Change?", In: J.-M. Huriot and J.-F. Thisse, Economics of Cities: Theoretical Perspectives, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 2.5. Mills, E.S. (2000), "A Thematic history of urban economic analysis", Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs 1, 1--52.6. Krugman, Paul(1998),"Space: The Final Frontier", Journal of Economic Perspectives", 12(2):161-174.7. 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