大家好,这节课我们一起来学习 It Runs in the Family.(一人生病,全家遭殃)。
It Runs in the Family.Pablo PicassoPablo PicassoPablo PicassoPablo PicassoPablo Picasso
Married people share their homes and finances. They are also likely to have some of the same diseases, experts say. If a person suffers from a certain illness, chances are that their partner will have the same illness. There is at least a 70 percent increased chance that you will get asthma or depression if your spouse has one of these diseases. The most likely reason for this, according to a recent study, is environment.
The British Heart Foundation said there was also likely to be a strong link with coronary heart disease (CHD), one of the biggest killers in industrialized countries. Sharing a home means that if one develops CHD, the other has a similar chance of getting the disease. Think twice before you get married.


