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阅读量:3699102 2019-10-23

Sharing the latest articles of the UNESCO Courier with you.

该作品选自意大利艺术家法比安·阿尔贝蒂尼 (Fabian Albertini) "操控人生"系列,创作于丹麦哥本哈根。
Artificial intelligence (AI) is being harnessed to tackle two of the most challenging problems today – the flagrant proliferation of fake news and the increasing invasion of individual privacy. Factmata, which uses AI to fight disinformation and D-ID, which protects identities from facial recognition systems using AI, were two of the ten winners of the 2019 Netexplo awards, presented at UNESCO Headquarters in April.
Factmata公司(位于伦敦)首席执行官兼联合创始人杜鲁弗·古拉提(Dhruv Ghulati)和D-ID公司(位于以色列特拉维夫和美国帕洛阿尔托)首席执行官兼联合创始人吉尔·佩里(Gil Perry)与联合国教科文组织《信使》杂志畅谈他们的创新。
Dhruv Ghulati, CEO and co-founder of the London-based Factmata and Gil Perry, co-founder and CEO of D-ID, based in Tel Aviv (Israel) and Palo Alto (United States), spoke to the UNESCO Courier about their innovations.
希拉兹·斯德华 担任采访
Interviews by Shiraz Sidhva
Dhruv Ghulati: Fighting fake news 
What made you set up an AI startup to tackle fake news? Isn’t it a daunting task, like fighting corruption?
确实如此。要想改变这个世界, 我们需要做的不是创办一家企业那么简单,而是去研究更先进的技术,一旦这项技术奏效,那么它对世界各地所有人的潜在影响将是无与伦比的。Factmata将人工智能与人类社会相结合,开发出了可解释的算法,用以解决在线信息不实的问题,并致力于构建一个更好的媒体生态系统。
Yes, it is. If you want to change the world, rather than simply build a business, you need to think about building enabling technology, where, if it does work, the potential impact on everyone everywhere would be astronomical. By combining AI and the human community, Factmata develops explainable algorithms to solve the problem of online misinformation and build a better-quality media ecosystem.
Factmata’s scoring system has the ability to digest every piece of online content, read it intelligently and score it on nine signals ? including hate speech, political bias and sexism ? to give users a deep understanding of the quality, safety and credibility of any piece of content on the web. It builds these classifications in a fair and explainable manner, by deploying a proprietary network of experts who are most suited to assess any given content in question.
Our goal is to build a new universal ranking system for the quality of online content, to be deployed across ad exchanges [a digital marketplace that facilitates the buying and selling of media advertising inventory from multiple ad networks, often through real-time auctions], browsers, search engines, social networks, and more. This will ensure good quality journalism gets ranked higher and monetized more, and low-credibility, unsafe content gets demonetized.
What is the difference between Factmata and other software out there ? the kind that Facebook uses, for instance?
Our technology has the potential to be more accurate because of the proprietary way in which we use expert communities to help build our software and give us unique training data – which is very difficult and time-consuming to maintain – rather than using existing open datasets out there that everyone else has access to. We've figured out a way we can get that data more cheaply and efficiently than others by making users feel they are part of the process.
Who are your primary users?
Our primary users are members of the public who like to challenge their critical thinking via our tools, and then brands and governments who are trying to ensure either they can monitor people spreading rumours that are really bad for societal health, or spread disinformation that can derail a product launch or campaign.
When it comes to weeding out fake news, would you say an AI is more effective than a human?
No. Humans are way better. But humans don't scale. Algorithms running on lots of hardware can scan millions of content items per second to flag them for fake news. But it would take huge numbers of humans to sift through such large volumes of content, who would need to be replaced before they got tired. Besides, only some humans are more effective than other humans. Hence the key is to combine the right humans with the right AI.
Can hackers and fake news-mongers cheat the AI?
Yes, they will try. But the good thing for us is that every time they cheat it, it becomes harder and harder. Soon, the number of cheaters good enough to beat the system is outweighed by the quality of the system. This is how we dealt with email spam, and in fact most spam/fraud/cybersecurity.
The key thing for us is being able to survive long enough with enough funding to build our core technology, whilst having customers that can sustain us, to be able to look to the future. I believe that with enough hard work and time, we will tackle fake news whilst most might give up.


